Publication Details




Comparing risks assessment in construction projects using two program

Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 13, No. 16, Year 2018

Risk management is defined as the process that enables the analysis and managing the risk related to the project and its aim to reduce the risk that threatens the goal of the project. The aim of this study is to analyze the risk in the construction projects using decision tree in two different programs, WEKA and KNIME then compare the accuracy of these programs using the same technique. The methodology of the research includes two part, the first part includes a questionnaire with a group of experts, engineers, managers, university professors and specialists to identify the reasons behind cost overruns in the construction projects while the second part of the results involve using decision tree algorithm in two programs, WEKA and KNIME The results show in the period of the (2006-2007) show more risks than another period that return to the reason that this period categorizes with unstable conditions of the country due to the effect of the terrorism The decision tree shows very good accuracy in both the programs WEKA and KNIME that means the two program can be used for the classification as the two program are written in the same language and the same parameter used in in the both program.
Citations: 3
Authors: 3
Affiliations: 1