Publication Details



Origin of Archean anorthosites: Evidence from the Bad Vermilion Lake anorthosite complex, Ontario

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Volume 82, No. 2-3, Year 1983

The Bad Vermilion Lake anorthosite complex (2,700 m.y.) is exposed over an area of about 100 km2 near Rainy Lake, Ontario. As is typical of other Archean anorthosites, it is composed of coarse (1-30 cm across), equidimensional, euhedral to subhedral, calcic (An80) plagioclase, in a finer grained mafic matrix. The amount of mafic matrix in individual samples ranges from none to about 70% by volume. The complex has been variably metamorphosed to greenschist facies. Zoisite, chlorite, and hornblende are abundant, but primary plagioclase is preserved in many places. The anorthosite complex is associated with gabbro and with mafic to felsic metavolcanic rocks, and is cut by tonalite plutons and by mafic dikes. Some gabbros contain local concentrations of Fe-Ti oxides and/or apatite, but no chromite. The mafic groundmass of the anorthositic rocks is similar in major and trace element chemistry, including rare earth elements, to the associated basaltic metavolcanics, suggesting that the anorthositic complex may have accumulated from a subvolcanic magma chamber which fed mafic lavas to the surface during its crystallization. Mafic flows and dikes chemically similar to the mafic metavolcanics contain plagioclase megacrysts akin to those of the anorthositic rocks, and thus may represent a link between the anorthosite complex and associated mafic lavas. Elongate pretectonic tonalite intrusions were comagmatic with the felsic metavolcanics, but not with the anorthosites or metabasalts. These silicic rocks may represent low-pressure partial melts of the mafic rocks. There is no direct or indirect evidence for significant volumes of ultramafic material at the present exposure level of the complex. An estimate of the bulk composition of all rocks presumed to be comagmatic with the anorthosites, including gabbros and mafic metavolcanics, is an aluminous basalt with about 20 wt.% Al2O3. This composition has REE abundances unlike those of typical Archean high-Al basalts and probably does not represent that of a primary or evolved melt. The possibility must be considered, therefore, that a substantial fraction of material comagmatic with the anorthosites has been separated from the complex, either by magmatic or tectonic processes. © 1983 Springer-Verlag.

Citations: 58
Authors: 1
Affiliations: 3